Proverbs 22:6:

Proverbs 22:6:
Train up a child in the way he should go,
Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The sick bug strikes again and again and again.......

So on Wednesday morning Miss Monkey woke up sick, oh joy of joys the stomach bug has entered our house.  She refused to eat anything but toast all day, that is after we let her eat around lunch time, 6 hours after she last threw up.  Even at dinner, we where having one of her favorite meals pepperoni pizza, she said she wanted toast since sick girls get toast.

Fast forward to Friday afternoon, the sick bug hits Mom-o (as Monkey oh so affectionately calls me.)  Only it hit me with back pain and a headache as well.  After I got home from work I went to bed and let Dad-o take care of the animals.  Jellyfish decided that tonight was a good night to stay up until 2 am, Dad-o left for work at 8 pm.  Once I finally got Jellyfish to sleep Alligator woke up covered in sick.

2 am Saturday morning started with stripping the bed of Alligator and stripping her.  Off to the bathroom for a quick hose down and soap off.  Once redressed and ready for bed again, Alligator laid on the floor next to my bed.  Bring on 3 am when she starts the process all over again, thankfully I had the foresight to tie up her hair. But being 3 am when she did this I had her move to the other end of the pallet she was sleeping on.  I took down the blankets and pillow once we were all up in the morning.

Saturday morning I get a call from Grandma asking if she could have the kids so that Dad-o and Mom-o could get a break, of course I say yes, but that she was only going to get 3 of them since Alligator was sick.  That was OK, we were at least getting a break during nap time.  So off goes Critter, Monkey and Jellyfish to Grandma's house where they played for 4 hours while Alligator, Dad-o and Mom-o slept.  Yes that is right we took a nap, and it was AMAZING!

Now to today, Jellyfish rolled from his back to his belly and Alligator went poo in the potty!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Parenting is an Adventure

You would think that after 6.5 years of being a mom I would have this down, I don't.  I still have absolutely no idea what I am doing.  I will be the first to admit I am far from being the perfect mom, just ask my kids.  Let me tell you about them.

First we have Critter, a loveable yet slightly emotional 6.5 year old girl.  She is smart as a whip, and I will admit at times is quite a bit smarter than I am.  She started talking at 6 months of age and was telling people to go away at 9 months old.  She has given me no end of frustration and confusion over the years, but I love her to pieces.

Next is Monkey, a rather divaish 4.5 year old.  She is a very demanding and at times rude young lady.  She knows what she wants and she is going to stomp her feet until she gets it.  She has to be in a dress and heels at all times, even while playing in the dirt. 

Then came Alligator, the clown of the lot. She is a very imaginative 2.5 year old who loves her sisters dearly.  She is always there to make you smile, I think that is her mission in life, I see her as a comedic actress one day.  That is not to say she is without frustration, have you tried potty training a clown?!

Finally we come to Jellyfish, he was a surprise.  Not sure what he is going to be like yet, seeing as he is only 3 months old.  I do love that he only has eyes for his mommy.

I love these characters that call themselves my children.  Without them I would have nothing to write about and would be utterly bored all day long.  They keep me on my toes that is for sure.